A couple of months ago we had the pleasure of entertaining a couple from back east. They pulled in with their rv and right away they were out exploring the ranch. They immediately headed towards the far pasture near the ranch headquarters to check out the cattle. Full of questions and intrigued by our ranch the wife said "we watch Yellowstone the tv series, but it's so neat to see a ranch in person." I of course have seen the Yellowstone trailers on television. I've seen Yellowstone apparel, hats, memes and more. I remember being at Cowboy Christmas during the NFR a couple of years ago shopping with my husband, Shawn when I spotted a cute coat that I just had to have. My husband as sweet as he is picked it up and said "I'll get this for you for Christmas." As we walked up to counter to purchase it I admired the coat and imagined how cute it would look on. I no sooner stopped him "wait babe what does that say on the back of the coat? Holy cow it says Yellowstone on the back of the coat" I said. Needless to say I hung the coat back on the rack. I just couldn't imagine wearing it around. I mean I have never watched not even one episode of Yellowstone. Therefore, I didn't feel worthy of wearing it.
I still to this day have not watched an episode of Yellowstone and I hate to admit I don't even know characters names, but I have heard them in passing conversations from time to time. I think my children even know their names, although they don't watch the show either. Thank goodness for that because my husband said "well I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I watched it one night and was surprised how graphic it was during a intimate scene." I don't watch much television so I haven't made watching an episode a priority. Although, I just googled Yellowstone for the first time while writing this blog, my chin dropped. I said to myself "Kevin Costner is in Yellowstone!" Maybe I do need to watch an episode. I mean Kevin Costner is an amazing actor and he's so handsome. So none of our family members watch much television here at the ranch. About the only show we are faithful in watching is Wheel of Fortune. We turn it on after our chores are done and fire up the Traeger grill while prepping our supper. Wow, now I'm beginning to feel old. My Grams loved watching Wheel of Fortune and could solve the puzzles with literally just a couple of letters on the screen. I'm excited to say I too am pretty good at solving those puzzles. My children tell me I should go on the show.
The only other television we watch is the Cowboy Channel, yes we do watch a lot of rodeos. My husband can name a ton of the guys seen roping on television and sometimes he'll even have a story about them. Sometimes I hear so many stories I feel like I've known them forever. Just like most cowboys my husband has lots of funny, interesting and a little exaggerated or maybe a lot exaggerated stories. I'll have to tell you a couple of those stories at a later time. One cowboy I do know and have to mention is Choc Westcott.
Many nights while watching rodeos on tv my husband will say to me "Choc is up." Meaning he's about to rope. Choc is an amazing cowboy that my husband has known for years. He's now thirty-six in the world for team roping "header". Go Choc!
We also know and love his wife Franki and their children. Man those are some tough kids but they are the most respectful and kind hearted children. I love their spirit and I think they get it from their Mama. I can't say enough good things about Franki. She keeps everything going where they ranch and keeps the kids in line while Choc is away. Also, can you believe it she ropes too and she's really good at it. A true cowgirl. She's a hero in my book.
Anyhow, so back to Yellowstone I really do sincerely want to thank the Yellowstone creator Taylor Sheridan, the writers, produces, network and actors for putting out this program. It has really helped out the cattle industry, as well as, helped people to understand a little bit of our way of life. Living on a cattle ranch really is amazing, but you have to be accepting of having manure on your shoes. Note to self don't wear your good boots when you feed. You are bound to step in something be it manure or mud. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten into my car and wondered geez what's that smell wafting from the floor. Ughhhh it's my boots. You also have to drop everything you are doing to chase cattle out of the hay barn, pull cattle out of water holes because they get stuck in the mud. I have a hilarious story about that but that'll be for another time. I've have had to run out of the house chasing horses back into their pasture because they managed to open the gate and eat an entire bag of pig feed. The list really does go on and on, but we love living on the ranch.
Fun fact Taylor Sheridan spoke at the 2023 Cattle Convention and NCBA Trade show, which took place in New Orleans. I was actually supposed to attend the convention and meetings that year. I applied for a grant by writing an essay about my business and I won. I was so excited and really wanted to attend the classes they offered, plus I love New Orleans. New Orleans food, people and rich history was a bonus. So needless to say I was totally ready for that adventure, but when it came time I was unfortunately unable to attend. Please NCBA have another Cattle Convention in New Orleans. I will be the first to register for that one. Also thank you NCBA for all you do for the cattle industry.
Taylor Sheridan wrote “My passion for the ranching lifestyle has inspired me to write stories that are rich in history, led by complex characters, and focus on family dynamics,” said Sheridan. “I’m looking forward to joining you at the cattle industry’s largest event." Mr. Sheridan thank you for contribution to the cowboy way of life. Your stories have opened up many opportunities for us ranchers. Now there are so many people that seem interested in ranching and cattle. Ask me about our beef!!